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Ride Reports

Just got the full suspension out of the shop after almost 3 weeks for a dropper and drivetrain overhaul. I decided to take the bike to Lord Hill for the initial test drive and it was as good as new. I had no idea how bad the drive train resistance re...
Submitted by tomvale on 7/21/22
07 | 16 | '22
An aquaintance and I toured around the park today early this morning  (me still on the gravel bike).  :-( We  covered the park pretty well and did most of the trails. There was a little drizzle which didn't make it to the clothing due...
Submitted by tomvale on 7/17/22
My full suspension is still recovering from usage in the bike shop so I took the gravel to Darrington and parked at Whitehorse Park. I rode to the skills park and went down Logger before going all the way around North Mountain and returning on SR-530...
Submitted by tomvale on 7/13/22
07 | 12 | '22
Tiger was its usual awesome self today. I rode the Link Bros to the top, then Summit to ET to NW Timber back to the lot. They're logging close to fire road out of ET, I had to step aside for logging trucks. That's not what this post is about. Th...
Submitted by Bryan on 7/12/22
Started early at the Cherry Valley trailhead heading for the Falls and then North to summit Mt Stohr. Since the full suspension is in the shop, this ride was a gravel ride. The bike trail to Cherry Falls is getting overgrown from the wet spring we h...
Submitted by tomvale on 7/10/22
07 | 04 | '22
Haven't been here in a while, but feels like the entire place was let go for anything moderately difficult. It has become an uninteresting beginner's playground. -Jumps were in very poor condition -Washboard on berms (joyride specifically) -Jumps...
Submitted by koda21 on 7/5/22
07 | 04 | '22
Started up the trail just after 7am in the foggy warm mountain air. Visibility wasn't good for the river valley or summit vistas and snow is still keeping us bikes from the upper meadow. I got to snow at 4100' and parked the bike soon after (two swit...
Submitted by tomvale on 7/4/22
Wanted to do a long ride tonight and with the Stumpjumper's dropper failing, I took the gravel bike out tonight for a long excursion. I headed north from Silver Lake to Highway 2 and over the Snohomish River and then back to Snohomish heading toward...
Submitted by tomvale on 6/30/22
06 | 26 | '22
Spent the weekend up in Birch Bay and Friday and Sunday were spent on Galbraith. I went down Evolution, Scorpion, Unemployment Line, Wrap Around, Das Autoban and Whoopsie Woodle. They were all in good shape and only a little bit of timber/repair clos...
Submitted by tomvale on 6/27/22
06 | 21 | '22
Tiger on the weekend is a recipe for crowds, no parking and noobs. I'm a weekday rider, and that again paid off today at Tiger to ride EMBA's newly opened Atlas. I climbed up to Inside Passage, then spotted the Atlas trailhead off the trail on the ri...
Submitted by Bryan on 6/22/22
Started a wonderful, early, morning driving around from Everett in no traffic to get to the Port Gamble Heritage Park and all of the park’s  new trail assets. I got there at 8am and talked to Joe at LoLo racks and then started riding trails...
Submitted by tomvale on 6/20/22
Made many runs on Logger and then Faller for fun, and then High Lead and Hooktender for more fun. The Hooktender tree should still be removed even though there is a ride around. The technical route is still OK but really isn't a fluid route now. My r...
Submitted by tomvale on 6/18/22
Didn't take any pictures today but had three nice early runs on Pitch N Roll and the soil was great. The lower berms could use a pine needle and gravel removal run with a rake but the trail is in great shape.
Submitted by tomvale on 6/16/22
06 | 11 | '22
Parked at the DNR road and did the loop clockwise. The views of the valleys were great but the clouds were covering the higher peaks so Pilchuck wasn't clear. The lesson for today was 'don't get the Shingles vaccine a day before a rigorous activity o...
Submitted by tomvale on 6/12/22
06 | 08 | '22
Took the bike almost up to the second Road to Trail switchback and then had to stop and turn around in the slush. The trail has several chainsaw jobs up to that point. You'll see where they are located in the link here. I-90 has less snow than SR-2 (...
Submitted by tomvale on 6/9/22
06 | 04 | '22
EMBA just opened Poppin Tops Upper and Lower after the rebuild, and it is perfect! Flowy, fast and with butter smooth berms; this rebuild is a thing of beauty. Thank you to everyone who worked on this jewel of a trail. Let's respect their work by lig...
Submitted by Bryan on 6/5/22
Sing this report to the Scorpions' song  (inspired by OTBs on Snotch and Porcupine Rim on the Whole Enchilada in Moab) I realized I missed the jump, my body's wrecked like I hit a stumpI look around and see my face, what the hell, I need a neck...
Submitted by tomvale on 6/2/22
05 | 16 | '22
Sing this report to Don Felder's "Taking a Ride" from the "Heavy Metal" Soundtrack. Load the bikes up, let's cruise to the trail, leave the city far behindYou just might get wet, or at least you’ll sweatJust meet your buddies right on timeNow if you...
Submitted by tomvale on 5/16/22
I started early this morning climbing up to the upper shuttle lot looking for snow and as much of a Skyline descent I could get. Snow got too thick at around 3100' on the last road switchback before the upper lot. It was hike a bike from there on, an...
Submitted by tomvale on 5/1/22
Pink Floyd rocks....... Sing this to their song..... Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride, RideRide, Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride, RideYou better use your full face helmet with your favorite designWith the pads on your joints and goggles o...
Submitted by tomvale on 5/1/22