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Cascades to Sound Chapter


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The Cascades to Sound Chapter was officially launched in April 2018. We serve riders and volunteers in the greater Seattle region, including King, Snohomish and Pierce Counties. We are focused on continuing the tradition of riders in the region supporting the development of local trails along with Evergreen’s Statewide mission.

Headed by chapter President Matt Crisler, Vice President Jessica Mavica, Secretary Elly West, and Treasurer Vern Boyles, Evergreen’s Cascades to Sound chapter focuses on local advocacy, education and new trails. Ride on, and support our chapter!



Connect With Us

Matt Crisler, Chapter President

Featured Trails

1-2-3-4 of 5
6 miles total
2 of 5
11 miles total
1-2-3-4 of 5
21 miles total
1-2-3-4 of 5
20 miles total