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Ride Reports

Had a good early morning running the east side trails at the skills park for about an hour before going higher up on the mountain. The trails are not muddy and have only a couple of windblown fir bows here and there that you can ride over. I cleared...
Submitted by tomvale on 1/31/21
01 | 16 | '21
Left home in Everett just after 5am to get an early morning ride in at Chelan Butte while the weather and Passes were all clear! It was an enjoyable morning watching the sunrise while driving east and then parking at the Chelan Reach trailhead and go...
Submitted by tomvale on 1/17/21
01 | 14 | '21
3 of rode Grand Ridge today and ran into a cougar, almost literally.  The 1st person came around a corner and found the cat on the trail, inadvertantly chased the cat down the trail, where it jumped off the trail and stopped.  He yelled lou...
Submitted by albeedmo on 1/14/21
01 | 09 | '21
Great area and ride, trains seem to handle all the recent rain well. Some ares a little overgrow but nothing you can't ride through. 
Submitted by MTB_ROD on 1/10/21
Just had a wonderful day running Lower Skyline and the lower half of Out of The Blue.  I parked at the bottom of Lower Skyline and noticed the lower shuttle road has been regraded so that made the climb easier. Thank you DNR. I climbed past Lowe...
Submitted by tomvale on 1/10/21
Had a fun, muddy, morning checking out the Snohomish River flood level (22.5 feet @ Snohomish) after going up to the towers. Windfall was cleared off the trails but a large rotten tree is over the bottom of the Upper Springboard flow. The first deep-...
Submitted by tomvale on 1/3/21
01 | 02 | '21
This was my first time riding swan creek and it did not disappoint. Despite the heavy rain that has been pouring down the last week or so, the trails were running pretty good.  There were puddles, but not as much peanut butter mud as ji would ha...
Submitted by vee on 1/2/21
12 | 29 | '20
Been in Florida for a family theme park tour and a trip to the Space Coast. I missed the delayed SpaceX launch so I needed to make up for that by getting back into some real topography. Also, my unofficial version of a COVID test, is a lot of miles o...
Submitted by tomvale on 12/30/20
12 | 20 | '20
Dryer than they should be for this time of year. Once you get off the main trails there a several fun loops to explore. Also thanks to the guy I saw there doing trail work on a Sunday. Great fun
Submitted by warbar on 12/21/20
12 | 14 | '20
I encountered a cougar. It was around point #21 in the map (link). The time was around 3:30 PM. It looked a lot like female lion that I saw from zoo and it was way bigger than normal dog. It was on the trail and stairing at me from 5 meters apart.&...
Submitted by sunjin on 12/15/20
12 | 12 | '20
Most of the trails are in great shape.  There is a bit of peanut butter on northwest pasage and north trail.  There were quite a few hikers, some quite grumpy, dog walkers and horses. So, it was a busy day, but everyone was respectful of di...
Submitted by vee on 12/13/20
12 | 05 | '20
To PHil, and others who helped Ingemar walk down from Poppin' Tops on Saturday. Thank you so much! Ingemar's wounds were what you saw, and there were no other major problems.  Teeth, all there, Jaw, Nose not broken, After an eval. at Snoqualmi...
Submitted by slowgreyguy on 12/7/20
12 | 05 | '20
Started today at 7am at the trailhead with the goal to head to the Falls, and then further on to the old Platts Lookout site, a 900' summit, east of the Falls, then exit the south side of the Marckworth Forest and back to the car. The ride went well...
Submitted by tomvale on 12/6/20
11 | 30 | '20
Whoever found my car keys near GR drive, and put them on a log so I could find them, I say: "Thank you so much." Amazing how well GR rides even just a day after a big storm/rain.
Submitted by plugboots on 12/3/20
12 | 02 | '20
Had not ridden Henry's/Black Diamond since last spring, so was happy to see the trails in good shape. Not too dry and not too wet. So many trees down though. I probably had to lift the bike over 10 trees.  There was a two person crew out trying...
Submitted by dflowerz on 12/3/20
12 | 02 | '20
Snoqualmie has ignored the two bathrooms at the base of Raging River for months; claiming a shortage of "safety supplies" per the sign on the doors. I'm able to buy all the safety supplies I want, so not sure what the real reason is but I've never se...
Submitted by Bryan on 12/2/20
11 | 29 | '20
Rode Grand Ridge north from the soccer field parking to Duthie and back.  It's about 12 miles with 2000' of climbing so a nice ride, over about two hours. Dirt is perfect, though traffic was a bit heavy due to the weekend and heavily urban locat...
Submitted by Bryan on 11/29/20
Had a nice couple of runs down Lower Skyline this morning with ocassional light rain at times. The access road to the Lower Skyline trail has 5 trees over it and those will need the bigger saws. The road could use a brushcutting too if maintenance ca...
Submitted by tomvale on 11/28/20
11 | 21 | '20
Had a wonderful excursion ride below the snowline but high enough to get my vertical in. After the rains, I wanted to see the falls and the weather forecast was good. I parked just outside the DNR gate and began the climb and then made an attempt to...
Submitted by tomvale on 11/21/20
11 | 15 | '20
Rode Tokul West up to the entrance to Golden Spike, GS over to East and down Midtown mostly; about 10 miles with 2000' elevation. It's wet! GS has some major mud, and large puddles that more like small lakes. Some are 20' long and 12" deep, so be for...
Submitted by Bryan on 11/16/20