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Ride Reports

06 | 06 | '15
Trail was in great condition.  Only saw 3 other bikers.  Recent rains made trail nice and buff.
Submitted by abdelhub on 6/7/15
First time on this trail or in this area for that matter. My trooper of a wife dropped me off at the intersection of NF-9712 and Mission Ridge Rd. Due to my poor planning I was not aware she could have driven up 9712 to the trail head! Worse, I passe...
Submitted by tonbay on 6/6/15
06 | 05 | '15
I just road at Duthie Hill today, it never stops being so enjoyable! I had only been a few times before and have been able to progress every time. Really nice to ride in the sun. 
Submitted by on 6/6/15
This trail is virtually snow-free and all the blowdown has been cleared.  Gate at the bottom of Corral Pass Rd is still locked so you gotta earn it.
Submitted by jackd49 on 6/5/15
06 | 03 | '15
The two trail segments listed below are now open. Some signing still needs to be installed but these sections are open. These segments are now broken in due to the recent rains and use during the Echo 30/60 mountain bike race on 5/31/15. Berms are pr...
Submitted by on 6/3/15
06 | 01 | '15
Had a great loop on Buck. Trail's dry, except for a couple lingering springs just passed the Deer Country sign. The last final steep descent on singletrack is getting a little dusty and blown out from sliding tires, but super fun still. 
Submitted by brownc9 on 6/2/15
04 | 25 | '15
New advanced trail added on! The keypen park map http://www.keypenparks.com/uploads/4/5/0/8/45082793/360trailsweb.jpg  Does not reflect inner/outer loop nor the new advanced section with larger downhill jump section on the mountain bike specifi...
Submitted by prluv516 on 6/1/15
My wife and our two dogs and I set out to ride this trail as a first bikepacking adventure.  We were excited about the river crossings, not disuaded by them.  The first mile or so of the trail is beautiful, rolling single-track.  Afte...
Submitted by acdieter on 6/1/15
We rode up NF-7100 road from parking area.  All creeks on the ascent up the road are crossable with rocks/logs in place to avoid having to ford through the water.  On the ride down Devil’s Gulch trail, we encountered quite a few small pudd...
Submitted by rickvans on 6/1/15
05 | 30 | '15
Kachess Ridge is open and riding well.  Just a few patches of snow on the hike a bike section, otherwise totally clear.  3 trees down, one between the top of the fireroad and the hike a bike section, and two near the end of the downhill bet...
Submitted by gordbran on 6/1/15
05 | 31 | '15
Rode here today with my 11 year old.  The views are fantastic for much of the ride.  Perfect for taking your time with a trail snack.  Our route was to climb the road to the next gate and then head onto the trail.  We rode the tra...
Submitted by weslmeye on 6/1/15
05 | 28 | '15
Trail in great shape, will be a few brushy spots later in no one cuts it.
Submitted by davsch on 5/30/15
05 | 25 | '15
We parked at De Roux TH, rode up the road to the Esmerelda Basin trail and did the loop CCW. Trail is in really good shape, except for about 10 blowdowns in the last two miles of trail. I assume this warm year has opened this trail up way ahead of sc...
Submitted by goatzebra on 5/26/15
05 | 24 | '15
It wasn’t the best day for sightseeing on Hansen Ridge but the cool damp weather was perfect for a twenty mile out to the lake and back ride. Because of the fog, I didn’t add the extra spur along the high point, or ride up to Mt Gardner. That’s a rid...
Submitted by tomvale on 5/26/15
05 | 25 | '15
First of all, thanks for posting this ride and the GPS info. It's always fun to have some new rides off the beaten path. Though this ride is never technical, the climb is challenging at times and rocketing down the twisty fire road on the descent was...
Submitted by Nick on 5/26/15
05 | 21 | '15
Roads to trail head were in good shape. After the ride, I drove down to checkout Iron Bear and Miller Peak trailheads, and the road was good all the way. Maybe 10 trees down across the trail. Streams are low. Heard lots of birds chirping. Squirrels...
Submitted by ladmo on 5/22/15
05 | 19 | '15
Absolutely awesome trail.  Im not great with any kind of technical climbing so it was 2/3 riding 1/3 pushing for me, but only because of the demanding line choices on the way up- it was never too steep.  I rode/pushed all the way to the pass which ha...
Submitted by jkoepfgen on 5/20/15
Parasite and Silkworm nice as usual, good grip through the berms through Silk.  Tapeworm looks like someone recently took a weed wacker to the parts that get overgrown under the power lines.  Thin low hanging limbs above some of the doubles...
Submitted by jack13frost on 5/20/15
05 | 19 | '15
We completed another new trail segment that connects the Outback Trail to the very top of the Waterbar Heaven Trail. As of 5/19/2015 the trail is not open as we need to do a little limbing and hope for a little more rain to settle it in.  Once w...
Submitted by on 5/19/15
05 | 18 | '15
This will be my last ride & report at Cherry Valley until probably September.  It was an absolutely perfect day out there today: pleasant temps, hero trails, and cool shade under canopy.  The brush is coming in with a vengeance - salmon ber...
Submitted by r1de on 5/19/15