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12 | Jan | '15
Bryan Rivard
A lot of things can happen on a ride at Colonnade; epic jumps, transcendent flow, or in some cases, skinning an elbow on a wall ride and bumping into Evergreen Project Manager Mike Westra on his backhoe.   That’s what happened to Peter Sherrill—a visiting California resident at the time—in 2008.  A rider for 25 years in the San Francisco Bay area—mostly Ft. Ord—Peter had found his way into advocacy work when he formed the Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (still in operation today) and began taking care of local trails and running the Sea Otter Classic.  He and his wife had been talking about a move up north and Peter needed two things: to be near the water, and to have access to some great riding.  And the Seattle area seemed like a good fit. 
11 | Jan | '15
Bryan Rivard
There will be a temporary closure of Preston RR Grade Trail- from Bail Out junction to Crossover Rd until further notice. DNR will be working on the last segment to make it more winter rideable--please plan your rides to avoid this section of trail.    
06 | Jan | '15
Bryan Rivard
You already know that Evergreen is the voice for mountain bikers in Olympia, working to create new opportunities and ensure that our community's concerns are heard by state lawmakers.   But no one receives the same attention from a lawmaker as a constituent does - that's why  we want you to join us in Olympia on February 4th to meet directly with the lawmakers elected to represent your district. That's right--Evergreen will be waiting for you in Washington's capital city to introduce you to your district representative.  And the more riders we have the stronger our voice is for mountain bikers.   
02 | Jan | '15
Bryan Rivard
Evergreen set an ambitious goal for our 2015 Trails Campaign.  We wanted to fund trails.  In the back country, in the front country—we wanted to build new rides and maintain the ones you love, and support our mission statewide.  And thanks to your support that’s now possible! With your support we've secured $127,000 that we’ll be able to use to continue trails projects across the state!  That’s no small feat, and it all adds up to more epic riding opportunities in 2015!    And now 2015 means a bunch of new projects thanks to your contributions! We’re continuing plans for trails in Leavenworth, Chelan, Tokul, Raging River, Alpine Baldy, North Bend, Wenatchee, Spokane, and Phase 2 of Swan Creek!  That’s in addition to building the new descent trail on Tiger Mountain and the ground we’ll be breaking soon in Black Diamond!  All thanks to you!
30 | Dec | '14
Bryan Rivard
If you’ve ridden in Kittitas County you know it has some awesome trail—Little Bald, Joe Watt Canyon, Hereford Meadows. So let County managers know how important recreation is for drawing visitors and benefiting the economy! We’ve seen over the last year how important it is that riders speak up on issues that impact our trails. So take a few minutes to complete the Kittitas County Visitor Survey. The comment period closes in mid-January so get your comments in soon and tell your riding buddies! 
29 | Dec | '14
Bryan Rivard
2015 is shaping up to be another banner year for mountain biking in Washington! Are you as excited about riding in 2015 as we are? If not, you should be! We're building new trails and protecting access to others statewide, our important trail maintenance program is growing, and we've got loads of classes, rides, events and more planned for you.  But, in order to meet all of our 2015 goals we need to raise a total of $147,500 by the end of the year. So far we've secured $107,000 via grants and donations. If you've already given, THANK YOU! If you haven't donated, there's still time. Please donate today because we still need to raise another $40,500 by December 31st to fully fund our projects in 2015!
24 | Dec | '14
Bryan Rivard
We've got word from DNR and our trail crew that there's 8" of snow on Tiger Mountain with more on the way! While this is great news for skiers (or fat-bikers!) it's not great for ETS, OTG, or Preston, which risk damage in this weather. The good news is that Fully Rigid, Silent Swamp, NorthWest Timber, and Joy Ride are still open and presently rideable! So ride responsibly, enjoy the holiday, and we'll keep you updated on the status of the trails through the weekend. *Thanks to Steve & Dana for the awesome picture!
22 | Dec | '14
Bryan Rivard
Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance was in Washington DC earlier this month to speak with members of our Congressional delegation about issues critical to outdoor recreation in Washington State.   Joined by Washington Trails Association, The Mountaineers, Access Fund, American Whitewater, and El Sendero—all members of Washington Outdoor Alliance—Evergreen spoke with legislators to ensure that the voices of human-powered recreators were heard.
19 | Dec | '14
Bryan Rivard
When it comes to getting new mountain bike trails approved and built, the process can take so long you start to wonder if it's ever going to become a reality.  Then, all of a sudden, everything comes together at once and work parties are on the mountain shaping dirt. And that's what's been happening; we've made more progress this year than ever before, and we're not stopping.  So far we've worked to create: Four new trails on Tiger Mountain New trails in Leavenworth, Wenatchee, Chelan, and approval for Tokul Completion of the First Phase of construction at Swan Creek Finishing trails planning at Raging River (near North Bend), Wenatchee, & Spokane And many more projects in construction or planning around the state  With such a successful year behind us we are ready to keep rolling into 2015.  That means more trails, bigger projects, and even greater advocacy efforts to make sure our legislators hear your voice on mountain biking issues.