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School’s In for Summer…Trailbuilding

School’s In for Summer…Trailbuilding

12 | Apr | '16
Bryan Rivard

What’s the benefit of a stacked loop system? How can you avoid trail creep? Why is 30-50% considered the best side hill grade for trails?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions (don’t feel bad), you can ask any of the graduates of the 2016 Trail School this past April 10th. 

Beware of Trail CreepAt 8am bikers, builders and trail lovers crowded into the Preston Community center to learn the art and science behind trail building. Fueled by coffee, participants were explained everything from bench cuts down to appropriate flow lines by Evergreen Trails Director Mike Westra.

“It’s a great chance to reach out to all different types of people and teach them about how we build fun, sustainable trails,” says Westra “we get everyone from volunteers to private land owners to hikers who just want to learn how building trail for mountain bikes is different. It’s a fun opportunity to connect communities.”

After a lunch break in the sun with food, drinks, and dessert sponsored by Kirkland Bicycle, participants tested out their new skills on Tiger Mountain, doing an “impressive” amount of trail work in a short time. 

If you’re interested in learning about trail building keep you eye on the calendar for the next trail school, or join us for a work party. The slideshow from the 2016 Trail School is also available here.


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Trailbuilders, riders, and outdoor enthusiasts learn sustainable trailbuilding at the 2016 Evergreen Trail School