Osborne Mountain
This route is sometimes known as the Sawtooth Ridge Epic.
This ride has it all: old growth forest, pristine lakes, great views, very narrow trail, some climbing challenge, a stretch of flowy downhill and to finish a section of steeper downhill with many switchbacks. Perhaps the one thing missing is an actual peak--despite the name, the route does not go to the top of Osborne Mountain. If you want panoramic views, do the three mile side hike up High Rock that's described below. This is a great ride, more people should check it out.
There are some tough climbs, and there are long, long stretches of very narrow trail with side slope exposure.
The adventure consists of a 11 mile approach on forest roads, and a 12 mile return that's mostly singletrack with a short road climb in the middle. The ride can also be done as a point-to-point shuttle. The shuttle makes it a 12 mile ride that still has 2500 feet of climbing.
Trail Status
Ride Reports
After a record summer without rain, we knew it would be dry - and it was. This made the descent switchbacks into drift pits. Also, the wildfire smoke turned down the magnitude of the Rainier views a few notches. But overall, this was an epic ride with great climbing conditions,...
Did the point-to-point shuttle up road 8500-8440. Such an great ride! Trail was in mint condition, super duffy with needles and ultra-narrow singletrack. This is a stunningly fun and gorgeious ride, I can't believe more people don't do it. Even the point-point version is a...
Heard about the Evergreen work party that had just been out here and decided to ride it. We set out from the Big Creek Campground and headed up the service/fire roads. Took us 1.5 hrs to get to the trailhead. From there it's a pretty steep climb up to the saddle. All the descents are fun, flowy,...
Parked at the Big Creek Campground off of 52. Rode up 52 to FS 84, to 8440, before picking up the trail. Fireroad climb was 11.8 miles, and 2200ft. Since there was a work party last weekend, trail was clear all the way across. Not too many views going across the ridge, but it was a great ride. En...
Rode this ride, apparently after work group. I parked at the campground and climbed up on the fire roads. Shuttling would probably be the preferred way to do this ride. I think it was roughly 11 miles on road/fire road to single track. Fire road was not overly steep but still a workout. The singl...
The Evergreen Trail Builders were out working hard Saturday and camping at the Big Creek Campground, we came up Sunday to ride with them after earning our hall passes. Rode up TR 252 from FR 8440, which was in great shape and is more rideable than the Cora Lake Trail but you miss Cora Lake (unles...
I dind't make it all the way up to Big Rock/Osborne Mtn, but I did make it to the Silver Creek loop. What a wonderful single track!
I did the loop by climbing up road NF134 to road FR84 to the top of the trail. Don't make the same mistake I did and take the old road past the gate. Th...
G-Man and the crew had a very productive work party on Osborne Mountain trail, at the very end of the trail as it comes back into Big Creek CG after long and fast descent. Working with Ranger Rick from the Forest Service, the crew cleared +/- 1 mile of the brushiest part of the trail throug...