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Snow Started at 3400' Today

18 | May | '23

Been gone for over a week while driving my daughter home from college, but I got to the trailhead this morning a little after 8am. It was an empty trailhead lot, clear of snow. I began the easterly traverse across the mountain, up to the first 'road to trail' switchback at 3400', and hit snow. The rest of the trail would have been hike-a-bike so I turned around in defeat. The little saplings are growing fast and will need to be mitigated above the first washout soon. The road potholes were still a hassle but I have a high clearance vehicle now instead of a commuter. I recommend stowing the bike inside the car to reduce the swing weight on any marginal strength rack. The meadow drainage crossing has an adequate bridge across it and is the only dismount needed as of today. We have a few more weeks before we get up to the meadow and 5000' along Highway 2. GPS track and pictures are here.

The damage from last year's Bolt Creek Fire was impressive and also sad. Here is the view from downtown Skykomish...

BoltCreekFromSkykomish2023 1

and the views you get along the highway will give you a better idea of the magnitude of the damage also!

Submitted by tomvale on 05/18/2023