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Fall Equinox on Alpine Baldy

22 | Sep | '20

This was my first time on this trail and it won't be the last. Started the ride at 11 AM after a short rain shower. Weather was supposed to improve and it did.  A few cars at the trail head but it turns out they were all going for the Beckler's Peak hike. I saw no riders on Alpine Baldy the entire time. The rain stopped and I rode in a misty cloud uphill for a good part of the climb.  Sun breaks finally at the flat area right before the singletrack starts.

The early part of the trail (up to the small washout) was slightly downhill (you definitively feel this on the way back after the long descent) and has several easy creek crossings. Right before one of them the trail has collapsed slightly in the ravine below so I got off and walked it.  The "washout" section described in Tom Vale's report was not too bad. I was able to ride under the "window" that Tom Vale cut through the fallen trees (I am short) and the creek was low and easy to cross.  After that, there is just one fallen tree I had to lift my bike over otherwise the rest of the trail is in great shape.

The road conversion section of the trail is a bit monotonous and steep in places so I had to push myself through it but once I was on the singletrack it was really sweet. So well done! Fun even uphill. The final traverse in the meadow was stunning. Fall colors on the hillside and cool fast-moving clouds below me made for a stunning and moody setting. I rode to the very end of the trail where it suddenly stops at uncut bushes but I never found the the bench described in the last trip report. Does anyone have a waypoint for it?

The descent was so fun! The singletrack is so flowy and even the road conversion was fast and fun.

If you like long climbs and long descents (I clocked 7.25 miles and 2700 feet each way), I strongly recommend it for this fall before the snow comes! 


Submitted by emanagos on 09/23/2020