Olallie (Phase 1)
A unique inter-agency agreement between Washington State Parks and Washington Department of Natural Resources has allowed Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance, Mountains to Sound Greenway, the Unites States Forest Service, and the City of Seattle to collaborate on a 17-mile (total) out-and-back trail with viewpoints of the Snoqualmie corridor, topping out at 3,800’.
Beginning 2 miles into the John Wayne Trail, the 8.6 mile trail plan was executed by builders from Evergreen (constructing the western 4.9 miles) with the remaining 3.7 miles completed by Mountains to Sound Greenway.
The Ollalie project provides another multi-use recreation opportunity in the Snoqualmie corridor for outdoor enthusiasts seeking big mountain climbs and valley views with an exciting descent. Lower elevation trails also allow for year-round recreating opportunities.
The project also serves as a major link to a trail planning effort that will connect singletrack all the way up to Snoqualmie Pass.
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