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Overgrown sections may condemn the trail

03 | Sep | '17

The trail is becoming harder to enjoy as there are too many sections where the danger of being thrown off the bike by branches sticking out or rocks hidden in bushes invading the trail slows one down to a fraction of the speed at which the trail could be enjoyed just a year ago. Maybe the trail isn't used by enough riders, hikers, hunters or horse riders.  In any case, it needs to be cleared off vegetation to allow proper riding at the sustained speed this trail is best enjoyed at.  Time to go back with clippers, loppers and saws.  I'm ready to help.   On a positive note, I ran into a large male bear in the second switchback section and he was nice enough to make way.  At the moment the trail is best enjoyed with a bell.



Submitted by lionjob on 09/04/2017