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Raging Phase 3 is Underway!

Raging Phase 3 is Underway!

01 | Aug | '23
Liz Lunderman

Exciting news folks, Raging River Phase 3 has been approved, permitted and funded! This would not have been possible without your support, membership and donations. Funding secured by Washington DNR, through the WA State Recreation & Conservation Office (RCO) and state capital funding will also contribute.

WA DNR, King County and Evergreen have been working closely to create this final phase of trail development for Raging River and bring it to life. We can not thank WA DNR and King County enough!

Evergreen will build three new descending trails and one new climbing trail. The fun part: these new trails will create two new stacked loops off of Raging Tiger and a new DH between PT and CCDH for more epic riding.

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Photo by Jack Lambert

WA DNR, King County and Evergreen’s collaboration does not stop with the design, approval and funding phase of these trails.  We are also partnering in construction! Evergreen and WA DNR’s awesome construction crew, led by Dyson Fowler, will partner to build an additional descending trail in the Return Policy zone. DNR’s crew is also building a long XC singletrack connection from the bottom of Lower Return Policy back to the bottom of Raging-Tiger and CCDH.

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Photo by Jack Lambert

Overall, Phase 3 will add approximately 10 new miles of new trail to the Raging River system! We are on a very tight schedule, our target completion for four of the trails is late Spring 2024 with final completion of Phase 3 in Summer 2025.

Want to get involved in Raging Phase 3? There are a few ways to get on the mountain and digging:

  • Be on the lookout for multiple trail schools coming up led by Mike Westra and Brandon Lester. 
  • We’re always looking for volunteers, so keep an eye on the calendar for work parties and the Tiger/Raging/Ollalie Facebook group page.
  • If you want to be involved on a more regular basis, or want to make a bigger contribution to Phase 3, contact EMBA’s Raging Phase 3 Project Manager, Mike Westra at .

We already have commitments from several amazing volunteer groups that we would love to highlight: the Sturdy Bs, Shred It Sisters, Donut Squad, MsFits and more. We’re off to a great start on this community effort.

Raging Phase 3 Underway