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GiveBig Take 2: Extended Until Midnight Tonight (May 4)!

GiveBig Take 2: Extended Until Midnight Tonight (May 4)!

03 | May | '16
Bryan Rivard

Remember yesterday? That was the day Washington mountain bikers broke the internet with their donations.

Despite problems with the GiveBig site, our members continued to donate and email us and brought us to where we are right now: just $4,000 away from our goal!

Because of the technical issues, GiveBig has been extended through midnight tonight. If you haven't had a chance to give yet (or you're one of the many dedicated supporters who emailed asking where to donate), please consider helping us make that last push today.

And if you've already donated, thank you!

Help Raise Our Last $4,000!

And remember: every $35+ donation qualifies you for a new/renewed individual membership. If you've been waiting for the chance to join Evergreen, now's the perfect time.

Give Big Now!

Thank you from the Evergreen Team and please let your ride buddies know that GiveBig is still on!

May the 4th be with you!

GiveBig extends through midnight May 4th-there's still time to support EvergreenMTB!