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Give Big 2022
Give Big for Great Trails!

Give Big 2022

27 | Apr | '22
Patrick Walker

The Trails Fund builds your trails, but not without YOU!

Funding for trail projects comes in many forms, grants, contracts, major donors, and what we call #RiderPowered. Our #RiderPowered projects depend on the community collectively digging into their wallets and donating to build our Trails Fund. 

Maintaining a healthy Trails Fund allows us to react to opportunities or unforeseen challenges. It provides the critical cash match funding sometimes required for grants, and it gives us the flexibility to spend time and resources where they are most needed.

Our needs for the Trails Fund are ever-changing, and the list of projects below is just an example of the current demand.

Alpine Baldy, Phase 2

One of the most scenic rides in the Cascades, but it's not entirely done. Phase one created a 7-mile, two-way trail rising over 2,500 feet to the high alpine meadow overlooking the Hwy 2 corridor. Phase two will complete this trail by creating approximately 5 miles of new trail and creating a loop route providing a fantastic ride. We are expecting Forest Service approval soon and will need to get to work asap.


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Ollalie Phase 2

In partnership with the DNR and Washington State Parks, we have laid out 3 miles of new trail for the Ollalie system. The new trails will offer some more technical black diamond descent options as well as some easier options on the existing two-way trail. These trails will offer riders some great options and are currently the only trails open to ebikes. Funding for this project will come primarily from DNR, however, we will be responsible for nearly 1/3 of the total cost to build. The Trails Fund will allow us to begin this project asap.

Darrington, SPI Connection

The ultimate goal of the Darrington project was to create a recreational asset for the community of Darrington to provide an economic and quality of life benefit for the residents and businesses. The project has successfully drawn new visitors to the area to ride, including weekends that see hundreds of racers participating in Enduro racing on the mountain. The missing link is the connection of the trails to the community, which we can build with your help. The SPI connection provides that final piece of the puzzle genuinely connecting the community to the trails, allowing residents to ride from home and kids to explore and challenge themselves on the lower trails and skills park. A final agreement with the landowner is pending, and the Trails Fund will allow us to get to work asap.



Colonnade, Pump Track, and Trail Update

The Colonnade was Evergreen's first Epic achievement, an iconic and unique trail system. Built in the early days of Free-ride mountain biking, this system offers some very technical and expert terrain. Since its completion in 2008, the sport has changed dramatically, and the need and value of pump tracks and more progressive features have become apparent. The Trails Fund will provide matching funding to supplement grant funding to build a paved pump track and update the current trails to allow for a more progressive flow of skill development for riders. 

Auburn Pump Track

Part of Evergreen's vision in making Washington the best place to ride is to bring riding closer to our communities. The Auburn project needs funding to build the paved pump track surrounding a planned skills park in Cedar Lane Park. The park is located across from an elementary school, providing easy and direct access for kids to ride and build skills. This project is 100% dependent on the Trails Fund.

Chewelah, Gold Hill

Our East chapter has worked with the Chewelah Valley Land Trust and other user groups to help develop and improve recreational opportunities at Gold Hill in the Chewelah Community Forest. The vision of Gold Hill is to establish a recreational trail center with dense trail development designed to meet the increasing demand for multiple user groups. Evergreen will use the Trails Fund to work with the community to design and build trails for mountain bikers within the forest.

Yacolt Burn, Trail #8 Extension

Our Southwest chapter has been working diligently with the Dept. of Natural Resources outside of Vancouver to develop and improve the trails available to nearby residents. Our builders completed most of Trail #8 in late 2021. The Trails Fund is needed to pay for this extension to create a much better climbing option for riders in the area. 

Naneum, Kittitas County

Design work got underway in 2018. Evergreen raised sufficient funds to sign an agreement with DNR in the spring of 2019, and construction began in July 2019. Phase 1 construction started in 2019 with a planned opening in early 2020 and included about 8 miles of new trail (4 miles in the Family Area and 4 miles of the singletrack connector). The Pandemic slowed progress on this project.

The Trails Fund will allow us to ramp up the effort this summer, working towards completing the family area.




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