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Evergreen Flannels; epic support for epic trails

Evergreen Flannels; epic support for epic trails

09 | May | '17
Bryan Rivard

Your dedication is making Washington a national mountain biking destination. And if you support the GiveBig Skykomish trails today, we’ll have one more incredible trail network in our state!

Your support makes projects like the Skykomish trails happen—across the state and in your own neighborhood.

Your love of riding, trail stewardship, and sharing your passion with the next generation of mountain bikers makes you a cornerstone of our community.

That’s why we’d like to invite you to join Team Epic.


GiveBig Now

What is Team Epic?

Team Epic members are community members who contribute at the $500+ level annually.

As a thanks for their generous support, we periodically invite Team Epic to preview days on unopened trails, informative updates at pint-nights, early Sunday access to the Evergreen Bike Festival demo fleets, and thanks to our partners at Carter Subaru, an Evergreen Staff Flannel!

For less than a cost of a lift ticket a month you can join Team Epic—and GiveBig is the perfect way to do it!

What could be more epic than a 10-mile subalpine loop or the potential for the largest shuttleable downhill system in Washington state? 

But wait...!

  • “I didn’t know about Team Epic and I already gave to GiveBig!” No problem. Just donate the difference and we’ll do the math! 
  • “My company does matching—does that count?” It does! When the match comes through, we’ll update your membership! 
  • “When do I get my flannel?” You can pick it up at any of the upcoming Pint Nights or special trail preview rides (details emailed via the Team Epic List).

If you can, we hope you'll join Team Epic today! When you do you’ll be invited to meet the lead builders and get a preview of our new 2017 trails before they’re open—and you’ll know that you helped make it happen. 

Join Team Epic, get your staff flannel, and please remember to Give Big!



The Evergreen Team Epic flannels are HERE! GiveBig today and support the Skykomish Trail project in style.