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Thank you for your 2023 year-end donations!

Thank you for your 2023 year-end donations!

04 | Jan | '24

Thanks to the generosity of Evergreen supporters, we were able to reach our fundraising goal of $200,000!

Complete progress bar

With your support, we can ensure that 2024 will be a successful year for Washington trails.

Here is what your support goes towards:

  • Statewide staff support for Chapter projects like Number 2 Canyon, North Summit, Teanaway, Tennant Connection, and Raging River Phase 3
  • Continued trail maintenance across WA
  • Support to the statewide education team
  • Coordination of volunteer work parties
  • Advocating for trail protection to ensure the sustainability of trails for present and future generations

Your contribution, whether big or small, helped shape the future of mountain biking in Washington state. Thank you for being part of this mountain bike community.

Read more about the builders you helped support HERE

Thank you for backing your trail builders! Have a happy New Year, and we'll see you on the trails!


Your Team at Evergreen

Thank you for your year-end donation!