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2021 Trail Project Previews & Updates

2021 Trail Project Previews & Updates

08 | Feb | '21
Yvonne Kraus


Staying the Course

Unwavering rider support launches Evergreen into a new decade of trail development.


Over the past few months, Evergreen supporters like you have proven to us that trails are essential.

You donated over $140k in the last month of the year to exceed our year end campaign goal to power our crew, our chapters, our programs, and your trails. You confirmed your trust in our little team of mountain bike fanatics.

And all this in a pandemic year of uncertainty.

2020 threw a major curveball, but look at what you made happen:

  • Record Membership (AGAIN!): 8,102, a 22% increase from just one year ago!
  • New Trail Miles Opened: 49
  • New Trails Under Construction: 70+
  • Students In (socially distanced and restructured) Evergreen Classes: 744
  • 7 of 8 chapters with active trail projects/contracts/grants
  • 12,960 volunteer hours (an incredible number given the Covid-19 restrictions) 
  • Largest ever– and first ever virtual– Member Meeting 
  • First ever Virtual Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day
  • First ever Dirty Dozen Trail Tour

Hats off to you. From all of us at Evergreen, thank you for being a member, a supporter, a donor, a volunteer, and a rider. Thank you for making it all possible.  

Now it’s 2021, and the year has already started with its own signature blend of challenge and tribulation. But, if 2020 taught us anything, it’s that taming the positive spirit of a mountain biker is impossible. So here we go, we have another full throttle year delivering exciting new trail projects and organizational innovation to you.

Here’s a taste of what’s coming in 2021:

  • Launching our new 2025 Strategic Plan in Q1
  • Development of a virtual Trail School
  • First concrete action steps in Evergreen Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion effort to make our sport more equitable and accessible for all
  • Increasing corporate support program
  • Greening our office and field operations and an increased focus on sustainability
  • New 401k plan for our trail building staff
  • Largest number of shovel-ready GiveBig trail projects, over $100k could be funded with your campaign donations this spring!

Of course, we also have a packed year ahead of trail projects. Here’s a breakdown of what we’re working on:


 Cascades to Sound Chapter

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North Mountain Bike Trail System: We’re collaborating with DNR to seek permission from a private landowner to build the missing link that will connect the upper mountain shuttle zone trails to the lower skills area in Darrington. When complete, the descent from North Mountain’s summit will be right around 3,200,' with a full trail connection into the town of Darrington for post ride refreshments.

Raging River State Forest: We are collaborating with DNR, who has secured grant funding for 10 additional trail miles, to add some low elevation loop options coupled with additional descent trails for Phase 3. We are also working with DNR to bring a new DH trail between PT and CCDH as well as a continuation of the Raging-Tiger connection.

Olallie State Park: Evergreen is collaborating with DNR, who is working with State Parks, to add more stacked loop options on the way! This next phase will add more mtb-only descent options which should reduce traffic on the current 2-way Olallie Trail.

Tiger Mountain State Forest: Further trail system refinement will bring the upper third of the future Preston Community Connection, creating an interim hanging loop (like Legend and Megafauna), until a final community connection can be approved and built. DNR is also wrapping up a new West Descent option that will link upper Preston RR Grade to the west end of Iverson RR Grade, as well as continuing work on a Northwest Timber optional bypass trail on the west end.

Mount Vernon Bike Park: Expect more work parties and trail training classes here in the future. We plan to continue work on the lower skills park area in 2021.

Cheasty: We are very close to beginning construction on the south end of Cheasty, which will be a 2-way multi-use (though primarily mountain bike) trail with some very short stacked loops that offer mountain bike only descents.

Duthie: HLC is getting a ton of work from top to bottom including a new entrance drop and will be back open in short order. Besides that, look for more continued maintenance from Evergreen in 2021.

Tokul: Local chapter leads are continuing trail improvements and maintenance at Tokul through the winter.

On the horizon: We’ll have more to share soon but work continues in regards to development of the following projects: A new pump track in Auburn, new pump track in Lake Stevens, new trails in Olympia, continued planning for a Tenant trailhead skills area, a Colonnade refresh, more building at the Summit at Snoqualmie, and more!


East Chapter

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Mt Spokane: When the snow melts we’ll get to work and complete the Upper 290 trail. We will complete a half mile on the upper section and a half mile on the lower section in 2021.

Mackenzie Natural Area: Planning to complete the Liberty Lake Connector as well as build and improve upon the existing multi-use non-motorized trail network.

Antoine Peak: The Etter Ranch trailhead will see Trail #1 and Trail #2 completed in 2021. Both are multi-use non-motorized trails. We also plan to replace the existing West side double track on Antoine Peak with new singletrack multi-use trails.

Mica Peak: Complete upper section of the brand new Silicate Slide flow trail as well as extend climbing trails to eliminate double track.

Beacon Hill: Rebuild pump track and jump lines in Central Park.

Iller Creek: Build connector trail on county property below KHQ and eliminate access to towers.


 Central Chapter

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Ski Hill: Work will continue on the NUT Extension– the last trail for Ski Hill.

No. 2 Canyon: Open three new trails at #2 Canyon. Build a new trailhead, signs, gazebo, 8 miles of new trail and road improvements.

Pump Track: Start design for a new pump track for the City of Wenatchee.

Mission Creek (East Fork): New maintenance.

Squilchuck State Park: New trails in the works.

Stemilt Basin to Sage hills connection: More to come on this soon!


Methow Chapter

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Loup Loup North Summit Trail Project: Final permitting and construction planning for this exciting new project.

Lewis Butte: Completion of the 1.5 mile remaining section of this multi-use trail.

Sun Mountain/Chickadee: Signage and mapping completion.

Maintenance: Continued maintenance throughout the many new trails in the Methow.


West Sound Chapter

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Port Gamble Ride Park: We are just one permit away from finally being able to begin construction on the new Port Gamble Ride Park! More to come very soon, we hope to have trail crew on the ground within the next month. We also have plans to build technical progression lines into the existing Ranger trail.

Grand Forest: We are working on potential trail development and improvements to this small trail system on Bainbridge Island.

Tacoma Narrows Park: Working to develop a master plan that includes trails.

Poulsbo Pump Track: Planning for a rebuild in 2021.


Southwest Chapter

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Yacolt Burn: Evergreen builder Bryan Connolly will be returning to finish Trail #7 when the snow melts and we’ll be building the new Trail #8 climbing trail to mid-mountain later this spring.


Kittitas Chapter

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Towns to Teanaway: Locate options for downhill trails to connect Towns to Teanaway to Teanaway Community Forest and build climbing trail from Cle Elum to the top of Roslyn Ridge.

Naneum Phase II: The next phase will bring advanced trails to the upper ridge as well as a few more kid-friendly/beginner-friendly short trails in the lower family area. We hope to start work on an xc loop on the upper ridge as well this year.


Cowlitz-Naches Chapter

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Tieton River Canyon: Rebuilding an old trail in the Tieton River Canyon to add a technical descent to the area.

Yakima: Working with STAY and Yakima Greenway Foundation to identify potential locations for a new pump track in Yakima.

Soup Creek: Scouting for new trail potential as well as completing ongoing maintenance.

Cowlitz Valley: Working with Cowlitz Valley Ranger District to address concerns and challenges with the recent influx of mountain biking to the area.

Packwood Trail Project: Continuing development and partnership.



Read on for a glimpse of what Evergreen is cookin' up for trail plans in 2021 and beyond.